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06:42 Adrian O’Carroll
06:42 Adrian O’Carroll


Adrian O’Carroll
Oonagh Young Gallery


Edition of 400
96 pages
180 x 240 mm
ISBN 9781916386518

‘Dawn walks during the pandemic of 2020. A time of mourning, a time of sin-eating, a time of discovery, a time of quietude, a time of nature, and a time of renaissance.’ -Adrian O’Carroll. Looking at the work in this book, made by the Irish photographer Adrian O’Carroll, it seems that a part of his lockdown routine with his camera lens attuned to subjects of a more elemental kind. With the human world still asleep, nature is abound here, and O’Carroll is the only witness. Of course soon enough the world will awake, and the belching smokestacks cut through the bucolic wonder. Over sixty photographs illustrating life carrying on despite it all. 1

About the Artist

Adrian O’Carroll is a photographer living in Dublin.

About the Publisher

The Oonagh Young Gallery is a space for art, artists, curators, writers, and all those interested in the world of contemporary art. A diverse and interesting programme is developed through working with curators and artists who have a distinctive voice and vision for their practice – thus creating a space that aligns the intellect and the aesthetic in exhibitions that challenge and reward the viewer. 2

External links & References

  2. Publisher’s Facebook