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30/30 Adrian O’Carroll | PhotoIreland Wiki Skip to main content
30/30 Adrian O’Carroll
30/30 Adrian O’Carroll


Adrian O’Carroll
Oonagh Young Gallery 

Text by Ted Hughes.


76 pages
215 x 267 mm
ISBN 9781916386549

This book is a study of Glendalough from a deeply personal perspective. Far from the traditional bucolic or dramatic landscapes typical for an area of such beauty, these images touch on something darker, more isolated and fragile. This is represented in the title 30/30 which refers to the height of the round tower at 30m high while the lake is 30m deep. This reflection of the visible and hidden becomes a metaphor for much of our relationship with nature and perhaps ourselves.

Inspired by the detailed observations in these photographs, the approach to the design highlights the use of texture by using 8 different paper stocks including 2 different hand-made Nepalese papers used for the endpapers. The use of interleaves work as a surprise and a pause as you turn the pages. Paper stocks change to enhance images of land or water. 1

About the Artist

Adrian O’Carroll is a photographer based in Dublin.

About the Publisher

The Oonagh Young Gallery is a space for art, artists, curators, writers, and all those interested in the world of contemporary art. A diverse and interesting programme is developed through working with curators and artists who have a distinctive voice and vision for their practice – thus creating a space that aligns the intellect and the aesthetic in exhibitions that challenge and reward the viewer. 2

External links & References

  1.  https://www.instagram.com/p/CxoiX90q9Mi/?hl=en&img_index=1
  2.  https://papervisualart.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/01/DublinPVA1.pdf