
Lucy Tevlin Blog Post

Lucy Tevlin is a Dublin-based artist that works in photography, text and the projected image.


Joanne Mullin Blog Post

Joanne Mullin is a Northern Irish Artist. Her work is a contemplative observation of space, memory and conflict, exploring how a place operates as an archive of its traumatic history. She looks critically at how architecture is an articulation of representation, highlighting the issue of power, control and gender.

Harry Moore Blog Post

Harry Moore’s practice has included photography, video, performance, printmaking and sound.

Emma Campell

Emma Campbell Blog Post

Emma Campbell is an activist/artist photographer in Array Collective.

ryan allen portrait photo

Ryan Allen Blog Post

Ryan Allen is a visual artist based in Northern Ireland.


Basil Al Rawi Blog Post

Basil Al-Rawi is an Irish-Iraqi multidisciplinary visual artist working with photography, moving images, and simulation.