
Robbie Mullins Blog Post

Robbie Mullins is an Irish Artist located between Berlin and Dublin. His photographic work varies from studio based conceptual portraiture, LGBTQ commentary, mental health awareness and most recently a series titled “Boundless” which is plays with the social construction of gender through deconstructed body portraiture.”Boundless” was recently exhibited in Steambox studios in Dublin apart of the Photo Ireland Festival. The next project to be launched is a Magazine named “Still Issues”, a portrait and Q&A publication which comments on the issues that remain within the LGBTQ community “I decided to create this magazine to shine light on issues that are still very prevalent in the LGBTQ community. The marriage referendum, which passed May of last year, created a national conversation surrounding the community’s future. The strives and progress made did not go unnoticed but i believe there are a substantial amount of issues remaining in the community that need to be discussed and action taken. “Other work titled “My Given Colours” which reflects on his own experience growing up gay in Ireland and comments on the underrepresented relationship between Nation and community.Other exhibited work of Robbie’s Include his piece titled “An Agitated state” taken from his Book of the same name. The work taken from his collection focused on the theme of anxiety, the work was shown in Dublin’s Exchange Gallery.Robbie is also known for his commercial work. His most recognised work in this area would be his involvement in QOD’s advertisement campaign for a range of beauty products which was visible nationwide. Robbie was Director and photographer for both product and fashion shoots.Robbie is a recent graduate with a first class Honours degree in Photography in The Institute for Art Design and technology in Dun Laoghaire.

Hue Hale Blog Post

Hue Hale is a visual artist born and raised in the quiet suburbs of North Dublin City, Ireland. He shoots mainly on medium format film and occasionally on 35mm film. With a Bachelor’s degree in Photography, from the Dun Laoghaire Institute of Art, Design, and Technology, he has taken part in various group exhibitions throughout Ireland and the UK. His work has been exhibited, published in books, zines and presented online.


Seamus Travers Blog Post

Travers is a stills photographer currently based in Dublin.


Aaron Dickson Blog Post

Aaron Dickson (born 1980) is a Northern Irish artist specialising in Photography. He lives in his birthplace of Northern Ireland.


Ste Murray Blog Post

Ste Murray is an architectural and performance photographer based in Dublin.


William Hamilton Blog Post

William Hamilton is a photographer based in Ireland.


David Stephenson Blog Post

David Stephenson is an Irish photographer and filmmaker from Dublin.


Linda Plunkett Blog Post

Linda Plunkett is a photographic artist based in Dublin, Ireland.


Ruth McHugh Blog Post

This page is under construction. If you wish to add information to it, read the instructions here. Ruth McHugh was born in Galway and educated at the National College of...

Alison McDonnell Blog Post

Alison McDonnell is a Dublin based photographer/artist.